Saturday, October 1, 2016

Magic Cards

Card tricks of several kinds are seen performed at magic shows and private performances everywhere.  The cards used to perform such tricks are generally specially made for the purpose and are referred to as magic cards.

Some magic cards resemble playing cards to make it appear as though the performer is using ordinary playing cards. Such magic cards have a long history. Queen Elizabeth is said to have enjoyed watching magic card tricks. In fact, she once paid a conjurer 200 crowns for performing tricks like predicting what card she was thinking of.

Some cards were divided into equal diagonal halves so that each half showed a figure or a normal playing card. Conjurers were able to create an illusion of changing a playing card into a figure card by careful shuffling. Such special magic cards used to be made in Holland, Germany, France, Portugal and England, but they have now become very rare.

Some magic card packs contain an equal number of normal cards and trick cards which are slightly shorter and enable the performer to perform various tricks by careful flicking and shuffling of cards. Other magic cards include cards with backs or faces on both sides and partly blank cards.

Several card tricks can be performed using ordinary playing cards. One such trick is the "Disappearing Card" trick. This trick is also performed on the computer. Six cards are shown to a person and they are asked to silently memorize one of the cards. With a click of the mouse, your card disappears and only the other five cards remain. If you notice carefully, the first set of six cards is completely different from the second set of five cards. This creates the illusion that your card has vanished into thin air.

Nowadays magic cards come in special kits with instructions about how to perform various tricks. Magic card sets can cost you anything from $5 to about $40. Cheaper magic card sets have very few tricks which are easy to perform. Expensive kits, on the other hand have a wide variety of magic tricks.

Magic [] provides detailed information on Magic, Magic Tricks, Black Magic, Magic Spells and more. Magic is affiliated with Magic Card Tricks [].

Article Source: Magic Cards

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