Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Easy Magic Tricks

Some magic tricks are very easy to learn and perform in social gatherings like parties. Such tricks require only common items such as matchboxes, bowls, coins and the like. Most tricks require some kind of pre-arrangement, but some can be done without any preparation.

One such easy trick is the "Ice Baby" trick. You pour some water into a bowl, say some magic words and turn it upside down and lo and behold, ice cubes fall from the bowl. This trick can be performed by placing a sponge and ice cubes in the bowl beforehand so that the sponge absorbs the water that is poured into the bowl and the ice cubes fall out.

The jumping rubber band trick is a popular trick that needs no previous arrangements. A rubber band is wrapped around your little finger and ring finger. When you stretch the rubber band, insert your little, ring, middle and first finger into it and open your fingers again, the rubber band mysteriously jumps to the first and middle fingers.

Coin vanishing tricks are among the most popular tricks. A variety of coin vanishing tricks are prevalent the world over. A coin is placed on the table and when you pick it up and say the magic words and hey presto, it disappears! What you should keep in mind while performing this trick is that when you cover the coin with your hand and slide it to edge of the table to pick it up, you should push it onto your lap and then pretend that the coin is still in your hand. After that you say the magic words and open your hand, and the coin has disappeared from your hand.

Another interesting coin trick requires a glass, a sheet of colored paper, a handkerchief and a coin. The audience is shown the coin and an upturned glass kept on a sheet of colored sheet of paper. You put a handkerchief over the glass and move it over. When the handkerchief is removed the coin has disappeared. This trick involves a certain amount of pre-planning. A circle the size of the rim and of the same color of the sheet is taped to the glass so that it blends with the colored paper. Thus when the glass is moved over, the circle hides the coin from view and the coin appears to have disappeared.

Magic [http://www.Magic-resource.com] provides detailed information on Magic, Magic Tricks, Black Magic, Magic Spells and more. Magic is affiliated with Magic Card Tricks [http://www.i-MagicTricks.com].

Article Source: Easy Magic Tricks

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