Sunday, November 13, 2016

How to Do the Best Card Trick in the World

The best card trick in the world is actually quite simple to perform. It get a really good reaction, however, because of the great twist at the end.

Card Trick Performance

Your spectator selects a card and replaces it back in the deck. The deck is then fanned through and their chosen card has revealed itself by its back changing color. Their card is then placed on the table and a second card is selected. Once more it is returned to the deck, only this time it fails to reveal itself. In a strange twist of fate you pick up the card on the table and it somehow has changed into their second selection!

Card Trick Secret

To make things easier, we'll say you're using a blue-backed deck. Before the trick place a card with a different colored back (we'll say red) at the bottom of the deck. Directly above it place the same card with the blue back.

Have your spectator select any card. Then put it on top of the deck and cut the deck. Say a magic word. Fan through the cards and cut to the red card (so it's on top). The spectator's card should be directly below it. Do a double lift (turn two cards over as one - just practice, it's not that hard) and show that the chosen card's back has changed color. Return the two cards to the top of the deck and deal off the red card onto the table.

Force your spectator to pick the bottom card. This can easily be done with a Hindu shuffle (hold the deck in one hand and peel piles of cards off the top using your other, effectively leaving the bottom card intact). Ask the spectator to tell you when to stop. When they do, simply show them the bottom card and tell them it's their second selection. Cut the deck and run through it. When a red card does not appear act surprised. Then say how there is one red card, on the table that it is, and flip it over to reveal the grand transformation finale, as the red-backed card is now their card! []Magic Trick Videos - Learn how to do this card trick with a video tutorial here []Best Card Trick in the World

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